Lakota Industries Home of Lakota Archery and Decota Finishes


Dick Williamson - Chief Executive Officer

Dick grew up in Shelby county Ohio and spent many of his formative years with his paternal grandmother. Dick is a mixed blood of Lakota/Scot descent. His grandmother was Oglala/Sihasapa Lakota and was from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. His grandparents were part of the Government's turn of the century assimilation program and located to Ohio. Dick has rekindled a relationship with some family members on the reservation and visits them whenever circumstances permit.

In addition to bowhunting, Dick’s other passion is writing. Dick has completed a work of fiction titled In Black And White, about the experiences of two soldiers, one black and the other white, in Viet Nam. Dick has written a novella called Wanikiya that deals with the spirituality of the Lakota Indians. He has also authored a humor book titled Almost Flying, dealing with the zany sport of racing pigeons.

Dick wrote a monthly by-line for National Bowhunter and Western Bowhunter magazines for 15 years. He edited a book titled Blood Trails for friend and rock star Ted Nugent. He has wriiten features for hunting magazines including Adventure Outdoors and US Archer, produced a television series and speaks at hunting-related venues.

Dick is a staunch advocate for hunting rights and privileges and has written many feature articles on protecting the sport.

Dan Obrovac - Chief Financial Officer

Dan is a former basketball star of the University of Dayton, has played in the pros, and is still active on the "old-timer's" circuit.

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